Medical Abortion In Ft. Lauderdale | An Overview Of The Process.

Medical Abortion In Ft. Lauderdale | Process Overview.

Medical abortion is a safe and effective way to end an early pregnancy. If you’re considering this option and live in Fort Lauderdale, it’s important to understand the process for getting a medical abortion and what to expect during the procedure.

Additionally, it’s essential to be aware of the new abortion laws in Florida passed in 2022, which have implications for women seeking abortion care.

We will walk you through the process for getting a medical abortion in Fort Lauderdale and provide an overview of the new abortion laws in Florida.

Medical Abortion Process:

The medical abortion process involves taking medication to end a pregnancy. It’s typically performed during the first 11 to 12 weeks of pregnancy and consists of two separate visits to a healthcare provider.

Here’s what you can expect during each visit:

First Visit:

During the first visit, you’ll have a consultation with a healthcare provider to discuss your options and determine if medical abortion is the right choice for you.

The provider will perform an ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy and determine your gestational age. They will also perform blood tests to check for anemia and blood type.

You’ll receive counseling on the abortion procedure and its potential risks and complications. Additionally, you’ll receive information on contraceptive options and how to prevent future unintended pregnancies.

If you decide to move forward with the medical abortion, you’ll be given the medication to take at home during your second visit.

Second Visit:

The second visit will typically take place 24 to 72 hours after the first. During this visit, you’ll be given medication to end your pregnancy. The medication consists of two drugs, Mifepristone and Misoprostol.

The Mifepristone will be administered at the clinic, and you’ll be given the Misoprostol to take home with you.

You’ll receive instructions on how to take the Misoprostol, which is usually taken orally or inserted vaginally.

The medication will cause your uterus to contract and expel the pregnancy. You’ll likely experience cramping, bleeding, and passing of tissue, which can be similar to a heavy period.

After taking the medication, you’ll be monitored by your healthcare provider to ensure that the procedure is successful and that there are no complications.

They will provide you with counseling on post-abortion care and potential complications to watch for, such as heavy bleeding or infection.

They will also schedule a follow-up appointment to ensure that the procedure was successful and that you’re recovering well.

The Impact of Florida’s New Abortion Laws:

Florida passed new abortion laws in 2022 that have significant implications for women seeking abortion care.

-24 Hour Waiting Period: One of the most notable changes is the 24-hour waiting period prior to the procedure being performed.

This means that women must wait at least 24 hours after their initial consultation before they can undergo the procedure.

The waiting period is intended to give women time to consider their decision and ensure that they’re fully informed about the procedure and its potential risks and complications.

-Limit On The Number Of Weeks An Elective Abortion Can Be Performed In Florida: Another change is the limit on abortion procedures elective up to 15 weeks.

After 15 weeks, an abortion can only be performed if it threatens the life of the mother or if the fetus has a congenital abnormality that is incompatible with life.

These changes have implications for access to abortion care, particularly for women who live in rural or remote areas and have limited access to healthcare providers.


If you’re considering a medical abortion in Fort Lauderdale, it’s important to understand the process and what to expect during the procedure.

Additionally, it’s essential to be aware of the new abortion laws in Florida passed in 2022, which have implications for access to abortion care.

While these new laws may make it more challenging for some women to access abortion care, it’s essential to remember that medical abortion is a safe and effective option for ending an early pregnancy.

There are clinics in Fort Lauderdale such as Fort Lauderdale Women’s Center that offer medical abortion services and can provide guidance on navigating the new abortion laws in Florida.

The Fort Lauderdale Women’s Center is Offering The One Hour Abortion Pill Procedure – 3 to 14 Weeks. Patients who qualify may receive a significant discount in the price of the procedure if they meet certain criteria.

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Dr James S Pendergraft | Orlando Women’s CenterAbortion Pill Clinic | Articles On Abortion

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