The One Hour Abortion Pill Procedure | Orlando Women’s Center.
All our Women’s Centers are now offering The One Hour Abortion Pill Procedure – 3 to 14 Weeks. Patients who qualify may receive a significant discount in the price of the procedure if they meet certain criteria.
Call Us Now For Same Day Appointment.
The Abortion Pill Procedure that is most frequently performed today in the US and many countries around the world consists of using the combination of Mifepristone and Misoprostol (Misoprostol).
Please call now to be seen at one of our offices today in Tampa or Orlando where the pregnancy abortion pills procedure can be started and completed for patients who are 3 to 24 weeks in 24 hours or less in 99% of patients.
Evening hours and Sunday hours may be arranged for a minimal fee.
Mifepristone (RU486) is known by many names as noted above. The combination of pills is the only FDA approved drugs used to terminate pregnancies as early as one week prior to to women missing their period, up to 10 weeks from the last menstrual period.
Recent studies indicate that the medical abortion procedure can be used to terminate pregnancy up to 14 weeks (First Trimester) from the last period on an out-patient basis; and from 14.1 to 28 weeks (Second Trimester and Late Term Abortion) or 28.1 weeks or further (Third Trimester) in an abortion clinic or physician’s office.
These second trimester and late term abortions can be performed in 24 hours or less in 99% of cases with less than a 1% chance of surgical instruments having to be used.
RU 486 is not only used to stop the growth of pregnancy tissue, but it prevents the growth of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, brain cancers, fibrocystic disease of breast tissue, Crohn’s Disease and other diseases, severe depression and to prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse (emergency contraception; morning after pill).
Mifepristone is FDA approved in the United States for medical abortions and hyperglycemia (elevated blood sugars) due to Crohn’s Disease only.
How Do Abortion Pills Work?
Mifepristone blocks the hormone Progesterone which causes the pregnancy to separate from the wall of the Uterus(womb). Mifepristone causes the Uterus to contract and thus leads to vaginal bleeding and the pregnancy tissue to be expelled.
Essentially; RU486 is an anti-progesterone medication. It works by binding (attaching) to the progesterone receptors on the wall of the uterus and promotes loss of the blood vessel supply to the pregnancy and causes the lining of the uterus to shed.
Progesterone is necessary to maintain uterine quiescence (prevents uterine contractions). Once progesterone is unable to bind to the uterus, the intrauterine pressure increases and uterine contractions are started.
There are local changes to the cervix that allow it to open and become soft. The softening and dilation (opening) is called “cervical priming”.
Taking Mifepristone alone can lead to a 2 to 3% chance of vaginal bleeding and a 1% chance of miscarriage prior to taking the second medication (Misoprostol).
RU486 alone was shown to cause abortions in 45 to 80% of women in 2 weeks in women who were up to 10 weeks gestation in the preliminary studies in the late 1970’s at the lab in France where RU 486 was discovered.
The failure rate was thought to be too high for Mifepristone to be used alone for the general population of patients.
Cytotec (Misoprostol) is a prostaglandin that is FDA approved to prevent gastric ulcers in patients who take chronic anti-inflammatory medications to reduce the incidence of gastric ulcers.
Misoprostol (Cytotec) is the second medication generally given 48 to 72 hours after the RU486 tablet. It binds to the Prostaglandin receptors on the Uterine wall to initiate uterine contractions that will end the pregnancy.
Misoprostol is a Prostaglandin E1 that was initially FDA approved in the mid-80’s to prevent gastric ulcers in patients who took chronic steroid anti-inflammatory medications. It works by creating a layer of protection in the stomach lining.
The combination of RU 486 and Misoprostol are used in our offices to perform the one day abortion process in patients 3 to 24 weeks. This process is started and completed with minimal to no complications.
Abortion Pills For One Month Pregnancy
The most effective and safest time to use the Abortion Pill Procedure for termination of pregnancy is 3 to 4 weeks from a woman’s last menstrual period.
Advantage Of Early Abortion Pill Process
There have been several medical studies in the Chinese medical literature that have studied over 6000 patients that showed the following:
- Nearly 100% rate of success
- Requires half the amount of medications to terminate the pregnancy
- Less chance of heavy bleeding or severe cramping
- Reduction in the incidence of ectopic pregnancy when performing the early abortion pill procedure.
Does Mifepristone Possibly Treat Ectopic Pregnancies In Women Who Are 3 to 4 Weeks Pregnant?
Source: Orlando Women’s Center
The answer to this may be a resounding yes. Ectopic Pregnancy generally occurs in 1 to 2% of pregnancies in the normal population. Two studies in China that enlisted over 3000 women who used Mifepristone to end their pregnancy did not have one incidence of ectopic pregnancy.
The mechanism of how Mifepristone is associated with a reduced incidence of ectopic pregnancy needs to be further investigated.
Having the abortion pill procedure performed at one month of pregnancy has the capacity to save hundreds if not thousands of lives in the US and around the World.
How Effective Is The Abortion Pill Procedure?
Overall; the combination of Mifepristone and Misoprostol is 94 to 99% effective for termination of pregnancies between 3 to 10 weeks pregnant. The earlier in pregnancy the medical abortion procedure is performed, the higher the success rate.
The combination of RU486 and Misoprostol is nearly 100% effective for patients who are less than 6 weeks from their last menstrual period.
Is The Abortion Pill Safe?
The chance of delivering a term infant carries a 11 to 14 times higher risk of maternal death in comparison to having a Medical Abortion Pill Procedure performed.
The combination of RU486 and Misoprostol is a highly safe, effective and efficient means for termination of pregnancy. It is a viable alternative for women who do not wish to undergo a surgical abortion procedure.
A small percentage of complications occur in less than 1% of patients. The procedure has been used in Europe (France, UK), Norwegian and Scandinavian Countries since the mid 80’s.
There have been over three million first trimester medical abortion procedures performed in the US associated with a very low complication and side effect rate of 1% or less.
The contraindications to the use of RU486 are adrenal failure, prolonged use of corticosteroids, or allergy to this medication. Please look under general contraindications to having the medical abortion procedure performed.
How Does Methotrexate Work For Abortion?
Methotrexate is an antimetabolite that specifically inhibits folic acid which is necessary for the body to produce DNA and RNA. It is used to treat multiple cancers such as breast, head and neck, and tumors of the female genital tract.
Due to its anti-inflammatory action, it is used to treat patients who have psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis and ulcerative colitis.
In the late 80’s and early 90’s Methotrexate was used to treat ectopic and early uterine pregnancies. Methotrexate destroys the special trophoblastic tissue called the syntiotrophoblast cells which are part of the fetal placenta. It is responsible for the production of the hormone HCG that is used to detect pregnancy and also growth of pregnancy.
This stops the growth of the fetus by stopping further spread of the placenta (after birth).
Methotrexate used alone for pregnancies 6 weeks or less has a 100% termination success rate.
Pregnancies up to 9 weeks using the combination of Methotrexate and Misoprostol Have between an 88 to 98% chance of successful termination.
The success rate is slightly lower and Methotrexate is not FDS approved for Abortions. Thus the combination of Mifepristone and Misoprostol has risen in popularity and used more frequently than Mifepristone and Misoprostol.
Because Methotrexate inhibits dihydrofolate reductase, it causes severe fetal deformities and when the medical abortion procedure does not work, patients must agree to undergo a surgical procedure.
Contraindications of Using the Abortion Pill (RU486, Mifeprex, Mifepristone) for Medical Abortion Includes The Following:
- Chronic use of steroids
- Hypoadrenalism
- Porphyria
- Blood clotting abnormalities
- Liver Disease
- Certain Kidney Disorders
- Undiagnosed Vaginal Bleeding
- Recent Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in the past two months
- Undiagnosed or untreated uterine infection
- Questionable Ectopic Pregnancy
- Undiagnosed pelvic mass
- Intrauterine Device (IUD) in place
- Unable to return to office or facility for follow-up exam
- More than two hours away from medical office or facility if an emergency occurs
- Allergic to the medication
Contraindications of Using Misoprostol (Cytotec) for Medical Abortion
- Hypoadrenalism
- Porphyria
- Blood clotting abnormalities
- Liver Disease
- Certain Kidney Disorders
- Undiagnosed Vaginal Bleeding
- Recent Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in the past two months
- Undiagnosed or untreated uterine infection
- Questionable Ectopic Pregnancy
- Undiagnosed pelvic mass
- Intrauterine Device (IUD) in place
- Unable to return to office or facility for follow-up exam
- More than two hours away from medical office or facility if an emergency occurs
- Allergic to the medication
Contraindications to the use of Methotrexate Injection or Oral Methotrexate for Medical Abortion:
- Hypoadrenalism
- Porphyria
- Blood clotting abnormalities
- Liver Disease (can cause Cirrhosis of Liver)
- Certain Kidney Disorders (Contraindicated due to Acute Renal Failure that can lead to Chronic Renal Failure and Death)
- Undiagnosed Vaginal Bleeding
- Recent Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in the past two months
- Undiagnosed or untreated uterine infection
- Questionable Ectopic Pregnancy
- Undiagnosed pelvic mass
- Intrauterine Device (IUD) in place
- Unable to return to office or facility for follow-up exam
- More than two hours away from medical office or facility if an emergency occurs
- Allergic to the medication
- Pulmonary Disease (May cause Diffuse Interstitial Pneumonitis)
- Immunodeficiency States
- Breastfeeding
Are Twin Pregnancies Or Other Multiple Gestations A Contraindication To Using The Abortion Pill Method To End A Pregnancy?
Source: Orlando Women’s Center
The medical literature shows that the abortion pill process can be used to terminate pregnancies in twins, triplets or higher forms of multiple gestations without a higher chance of complications and side effects or a reduction in the rate of success.
Is Breastfeeding a Contraindications To Using The Abortion Pill Procedure?
There are no contraindications to using Mifepristone and Misoprostol in when who are breastfeeding. It is suggested to not breastfeed for 5 to 12 hours after taking Misoprostol because of the higher chance of the infant having loose stools or diarrhea for a few hours.
It is contraindicated to use Methotrexate and breastfeed because of the higher levels of the medication found in breastmilk for 5 days after receiving the medications.
Methotrexate may lower the infants white blood cell count to allow he or she to be more susceptible to bacterial and viral infections.
What Are Abortion Pill Side Effects and Risks?
RU486 (Mifepristone) Side Effects:
The most common RU486 Side Effects are the following:
- Abdominal Pain: Abdominal pain which is generally mild may occur but lasts less than 24 hours unless a spontaneous miscarriage occurs which happens in 1 to 3% of patients before taking the Misoprostol tablets.
- Nausea and Vomiting: Common among patients who have been nauseated prior to taking the medication
- Headache: Normally mild and goes away in 24 hours or less
- Jaw pain
- Shortness of breath
- Shoulder Pain
- Chest pain
- Tinnitus (ringing in the ear)
- Diarrhea or Constipation: Normally goes away in 24 hours or less
- Dizziness and lightheadedness: Generally goes away in 24 hours or less
- Vaginitis: Normally occurs several days after taking the Misoprostol medication on the second or third day. It can be dark brown, yellow or whitish clear discharge. There can be a foul smell. As long as there are no other symptoms (abdominal pain or elevated temperature) the woman does not need to be evaluated for this symptom alone. It may be addressed at the follow-up appointment.
- Chills and Fever: Usually only lasts 24 hours or less. If lasts longer, patient needs to call the office immediately.
- Vaginal Bleeding: Bleeding that is not heavier than a normal menstrual period and may last off and on for 7 to 14 days. Lighter bleeding and spotting may last from 30 to 60 days in a few rare cases. Bleeding that is heavier than 2 pads an hour for more than 2 hours must be addressed by medical personnel immediately.
- Itching of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet normally occurs in the first 20 minutes of taking the medication and goes away within the first hour.
- Swelling of the face and ankles: Should contact medical personnel immediately to be evaluated.
- Low or high blood pressure: Medical personnel should be contacted immediately.
Risks and Side effects that may require an emergency room or personal physician visit are the following:
- 1) Heavy bleeding that requires the use of 2 or more pads an hour for two hours. There are a very small percentage of patients who may require a blood transfusion(0.2 to 0.7%). The bleeding in a small percentage of patients may last from 30(8%) to 60 days (1%)
- 2) Temperature of 100.4 or greater lasting for more than 24 hours when unable to decrease with Advil or Tylenol.
A rare pelvic infection with Clostridium Sordelli may enter the bloodstream causing lower abdominal and low back pain, foul vaginal discharge, dizziness, weakness, lightheadedness and eventual loss of consciousness and death.
Clostridium Sordelli has been associated with maternal deaths in induced abortions, spontaneous miscarriages, Gyn Surgeries and normal term vaginal deliveries and C-sections.
- 3) Severe lower abdominal and low back pain,
- 4) Severe nausea and vomiting that lasts for 24 hours or more,
- 5) retained pregnancy tissue in the uterus that may lead to the patient having to undergo a surgical procedure, and
- 6) failed abortion that continues to grow, or the pregnancy tissue stops growing.
Either way, a surgical procedure may be performed or additional doses of the abortion pill can be given.
Abortion Pill After 3 Weeks; Why Is it Not Safe Before?
Source: Orlando Women’s Center
After ovulation, fertilization of the egg to form an embryo generally occurs on day 14 of a 28 day menstrual cycle. The embryo does not implant into the uterine wall until 7 to 10 days thereafter.
A pregnancy test does not become positive until implantation occurs or shortly thereafter. Most pregnancy tests are not sensitive enough to detect pregnancy until day 24 to 27 of the menstrual cycle.
Thus the majority of women have a positive pregnancy test a few days before missing their first menses.
Prior to uterine implantation, the abortion pill is not known to work and if taken prior to implantation may lead to:
- Missing an ectopic pregnancy
- Failed termination of pregnancy due to taking medications prior to implantation
Thus taking the Abortion Pills (RU486, Mifepristone, Mifeprex, Mifegyne Early Option, French Pill) and Cytotec (Misoprostol) Is Safe:
The abortion pill process is not without its critics regarding its safety. There have been numerous studies that have shown there are complications, side effects and risks associated with the procedure, though they occur less than 1% of the time.
Safety of the surgical abortion procedure compared to the abortion pill procedure is very similar to the Abortion Pill Procedure though the complications differ.
The surgical procedure is associated with a higher chance of cervical tears and lacerations, uterine perforations, bladder and bowel injury, retained pregnancy tissue, and anesthesia complications.
The medical procedure has a higher incidence of heavy vaginal bleeding and retained pregnancy tissue that may lead to severe infection
Abortion Pills Experience:
Abortion Pill (RU486, Mifepristone, Mifeprex, Mifegyne), Cytotec (Misoprostol) Experience:
The Cytotec tablets may be taken simultaneously with the Mifepristone tablet in the office or up to 5 days thereafter. The medications may be inserted vaginally or placed between the cheek and hum (buccally), underneath the tongue (sublingually) or swallowed.
The dosage amount and how frequent Misoprostol varies. How the medication is taken will be discussed between the Physician and Patient.
The following time sequence will be experienced by the majority of women who are who are 3 to 14 weeks in gestation:
- 15 to 30 minutes: Shivering and Chills
- 45 mins to 2 hours: Low grade Fever
- 45 mins to 2 hours: Nausea and possibly vomiting
- 30 mins to 4 hour: Lower abdominal pain and back discomfort caused by uterine contractions
- 30 mins to 12 hours (most commonly 4 to 6 hours) Vaginal bleeding
- 4 to 6 hours: The most significant heavy bleeding and discomfort occurs just prior to passage of the pregnancy tissue
- 4 to 6 hours: 50% of abortion process complete
- 12 hours: 80% of abortion process complete
- 24 hours: 90 to 95% of abortion process complete
Patients return for follow-up of pelvic sonogram in 3 to 4 weeks to determine if the abortion process is complete. If not, further doses of cytotec or a surgical aspiration procedure may be offered and performed.
Misoprostol (Cytotec) Abortion Side Effects
Side effects of Misoprostol are the following:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Headaches
- Rash
- Fever
- Diarrhea
- Heavy Vaginal Bleeding
- Lower Abdominal Pain
- Lower Back Pain
- Retained Pregnancy Tissue
- Failed Abortion
- Uterine Infection
- Vaginal Discharge
- Uterine Perforation
- Cervical tears
- Possible maternal sepsis and death
Methotrexate Injection and Methotrexate Oral Pill Abortion Side Effects:
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Headaches
- Mouth sores
- Sun sensitivity
- Abdominal pain
- Diarrhea
- Liver Toxicity
- Kidney Failure
- Severe Skin Reactions (Steven’s Johnson’s Syndrome)
- Bladder Irritation
- Lung failure (diffuse interstitial pneumonitis)
- Cytopenia (reduction in blood cell counts and platelet counts) which may lead to infection and death
Specific side effects related to the abortion procedure are the following: 1) prolonged vaginal bleeding with possible heavy bleeding, 2) failed abortion, 3) incomplete abortion, 4) retained products of pregnancy, 5) uterine infection, 6) pelvic infection (fallopian tubes), 7) bacterial sepsis which may cause multi-organ failure (kidneys, liver, heart, and brain) and 8) maternal death.
Other Abortion Pill Procedure Adverse Effects:
Most women who undergo abortions feel immediately relieved afterward. There have been reports of women who have suffered from long term emotional and psychological problems that lead to deep depression and other pathologic mental disorders.
Some physicians believe that post-abortion disorder or syndrome should be a defined mental illness disorder.
Major Psychological groups do not recognize this disorder. The women that are at risk of psychotic disorders after an abortion are women:
- who have previous psychological disorders
- do not have the support of their families
- are in abusive relationships
In years past, there was question of abortion and a higher incidence of breast cancers and cervical weakness that causes preterm births. The studies were extensively re-evaluated and no link was found between abortion and breast cancer.
With modern day techniques for performing abortion, there is now less chance of cervical trauma making the possibility of premature births is no longer an issue.
Healing after abortion begins in the recovery room following the surgical removal or with passage of the pregnancy tissue after the abortion pill medical abortion procedure at home.
How Long Does Bleeding Normally Last After The Abortion Procedure Is Complete?
Women will normally bleed for a few days off and on for 4 to 16 days. Blood clots the size of a 50 cent piece may pass along with cramping may continue for 2 to 3 days after the procedure is
Women in the first trimester of pregnancy are able to go back to work or school the same afternoon or the next day after the procedure is performed.
How Soon Can Women Have Sex After The Abortion Pill Process?
Patients who are less than 6 weeks are able to have intimate contact the same day. Women who are further than 6 weeks may engage in sexual contact as soon as they feel comfortable.
How Soon Can Women Become Pregnant After The Procedure.
Ovulation can occur as early as 6 days after the abortion procedure is performed. The average is approximately 20 days.
Male or female Condom usage and the birth control pill should be started immediately.
Long term birth control measures (IUD, Depo Provera Injections or Progesterone Implants) should be discussed and started at the 3 to 4 week follow-up visit.
Swimming and bathing are no longer contraindicated after either a surgical or medical procedure.
Post Abortion Recovery Time With The Abortion Pill Procedure:
Post abortion recovery time generally takes place within a few days. A small amount of bleeding and mild lower abdominal pain and uterine contractions generally lasts no more than 2 weeks.
Uterine cramps and blood clots may be relieved by performing a uterine massage where the woman lies on the bed and presses from below the navel toward the pubic bone for 30 minutes.
To help in the post abortion healing process, a heating pad or hot water bottle placed on the lower abdomen may be beneficial for alleviating the pain and discomfort.
Patients should call the Medical Office Immediately For The Following Problems:
- Heavy vaginal bleeding- bleeding more than 2 pads for 2 hours in a row
- Severe Abdominal pain not relieved by medications and prevents one from doing light routine activities
- Temperature greater than 100.4 for more than 24 hours that does not decrease with the usage of Tylenol, Advil or similar products
Long Term Side Effects and Risks of Medical Abortion (Abortion Pill, Chemical, Non- Surgical), RU486, Mifepristone, Mifeprex, Mifegyne and Cytotec (Misoprostol)
Source: Orlando Women’s Center
With today’s advanced surgical and medical techniques, modern medications, high tech medical equipment, highly trained and knowledgeable physicians, the chance of long term side effects, complications and risks associated with the medical abortion pill procedure using RU486 and Cytotec are minimal to none.
They include the following:
- 1) chronic pelvic pain,
- 2) Pelvic Inflammatory Disease,
- 3) infertility: the risk is minimal to none
- 4) severe discomfort with intimate contact
- 5) recent studies show that there is no increased risk of preterm births, small for gestational age infants, low birth weight infants or placental abnormalities (placenta previa, placental abruption).
How and Where To Get the Abortion Pill (RU486, Mifepristone, Mifeprex, Cytotec [Misoprostol] and Methotrexate Injection and Methotrexate Oral Tablets) In Order to Undergo the Medical Abortion or Abortion Procedure:
The Abortion Pill Procedure Medications used in the US are tightly controlled by the government due to the potential complications that may occur.
Where Can I Get The Pills?
- Private Physician Office who has experience with surgical and medical abortion procedures
- Abortion Clinics
- Hospitals
Are The Abortion Pills At Walmart?
The Abortion Pills cannot be purchased over-the-counter or purchased at Walmart, CVS, Walgreens or any other Pharmacy.
What can be purchased at Walmart, CVS or Walgreens is the Emergency Contraceptive (Morning After Pill). The Emergency Contraceptive pill can only prevent pregnancy by stopping or delaying ovulation. If pregnant, Emergency Contraception does not work.
Can The Abortion Pill Be Performed Without Medical Supervision?
A self-induced or unsupervised medical abortion method should never be undertaken.
Home abortion kits can be purchased online from several companies. The FDA released a warning online to consumers in 1997 asking that they not purchase any home abortion manuals or miscarriage remedies online because of two primary reasons: 1) the products themselves have not undergone inspection by the FDA and there is no guarantee that the product itself is safe for consumption, and 2) pregnancy termination may at times be associated with significant side effects and complications including death.
Infection and severe heavy bleeding are the two most common causes of death when carrying out an abortion. Additionally; the medical abortion procedure has approximately a 1% chance of failure and the pregnancy can continue to grow.
The Misoprostol tablet used to carry out the abortion pill procedure is associated with an increased incidence of fetal abnormalities. It is therefore recommended, if the abortion process fails, the woman undergo a repeat dosage of the Misoprostol tablet or a surgical abortion aspiration procedure.
It is for these reasons that do it yourself abortions should not be attempted.
Women should seek physicians who are experienced in performing the Medical Abortion or Abortion Pill Procedures and who are well trained with using the single or combination of medications that are safe and efficient in carrying out the abortion process.
Physicians who perform abortions can be found in abortion clinics or in private practices.
The majority of hospitals in the U.S. do not allow elective or therapeutic abortions to be performed.
Abortion Pill Order Online Services are generally available to women living in parts of the world where legal abortion is not available. Abortion pill online order services provide information and instruction on how to perform safe medical abortion procedures.
Medical abortion pill procedures are able to cause miscarriage most commonly in early pregnancy (3 to 10 weeks gestation). The combination of two medications Mifepristone and Misoprostol are 94 to 99% effective for successfully terminating pregnancy.
The purpose of the services offered by is to provide information for women who do not have access to a safe medical abortion in countries where abortion is illegal.
Over 20 million women living in parts of the world where abortion is not accessible are forced to seek illegal means of terminating unwanted pregnancy.
The majority of them are self-induced, while others may be performed by an herbalist or a lay person under dangerously unsanitary conditions.
Approximately 70,000 maternal deaths occur each year due to complications associated with illegal abortion.
Every 7 to 8 minutes a woman dies due to self-induced or improperly performed abortion.
Dosages and Directions for the Medical Abortion or Abortion Pill Using RU486, Methotrexate and Cytotec (Misoprostol):
There are no standard dosages or directions for carrying out an abortion pill or medical abortion procedure. The dosages differ depending on many variables which include but are not limited to the following:
- the number of weeks pregnant the patient is
- allergies to medications used to terminate pregnancies
- route that the medication is given, what the physician is comfortable in giving and what his experience allows
- height and weight of the pregnant woman. Excessively overweight or obese women have a higher incidence of a failed abortion
- Generally the minimal use and low dosage of medications used to terminate a pregnancy leads to minimal to no side effects from the drugs themselves.
How Much Is An Abortion?
Source: Orlando Women’s Center
The Surgical and Medical Abortion fees are similar in price. There are several factors that influence the cost of the the Abortion Procedure:
- Geographical location in the US
- The number of weeks pregnant. Generally the further the number of weeks, the higher the price
- VIP or Exclusive Services. Women who may want or need the ultimate in privacy. For women who want to be the only patient in the building with our medical staff can be arranged
- Private donors and non-profit organizations may donate money for the cost of travel and room and board expenses
Cost and Fees for the Medical Abortion or Abortion Pill Using RU486, Methotrexate and Cytotec (Misoprostol):
The cost of the abortion pill procedure in the U.S for 10 weeks or less varies from one geographic area to another. The range is generally from $0.00 to $2,000.00.
For patients who are further in pregnancy, the fee to terminate the pregnancy depends on the number of weeks they are. The price of the abortion process for patients who are 14.1 to 24 weeks ranges from $0.0 to $35,000.00.
Where Can I Get Cheap Abortion Pills?
Patients who qualify may receive a significant discount in the price of the medical abortion pill procedure if they meet certain criteria.
The cost of the abortion pill for Physicians, Abortion Clinics and Hospitals is not cheap. The abortion cost is less when generally performed in a Abortion clinic than a private physicians office or hospital.
The cost of the Abortion Pill RU486 and Cytotec (Misoprostol) are the same with or without health insurance.
From time to time the Orlando Women’s Center’s offer a No Cost or Free Abortion Pill Clinic – Same Day Service for patients who are 3 to 12 weeks pregnant at our Orlando and Tampa and locations.
This procedure may be performed on anyone up to 24 weeks in the State of Florida. All advanced pregnancies (17 weeks or greater) can be completed in less than 24 hours 99% of the time, without the need for surgery.
Patients who choose this Abortion Pill procedure may have the option to remain in the office until the process has been completed or go home and return to the office the following day or at their convenience.
How Long Does It Take For The Pregnancy Tissue To Pass When Undergoing The Abortion Pill Procedure?
The average time from the start to completion of the Abortion Pill Process is 4 to 12 hours in the first trimester of pregnancy In some cases, it may occur sooner; and in others it may take longer.
Women who are in the second trimester of pregnancy generally pass the tissue 4 to 18 hours after taking the first dose of Misoprostol.
The advantage of the Same Day Procedure is 1) Generally, patients do not need to return to the office for a follow-up visit if completed prior to discharge; 2) There is a greater chance of success; 3) The procedure represents the ultimate in privacy as there is no need to bring a driver or escort; and 4) The procedure is highly safe.
Medical Abortion Pill After-Effects:
There are minimal to no side effects after the abortion pill process is completed. Most patients are able to return to their normal activities the following day after the tissue has passed. If patients experience:
- no heavy vaginal bleeding (more than 2 pads an hour for 2 hours in a row)
- no moderate to severe pelvic pain
- no elevated temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or more
There is minimal to no chance of complications occurring if patients do not experience any of the issues above.
Call Us Now For Same Day Appointment or visit our blog to see our latest articles about abortion.
Dr James S Pendergraft | Orlando Women’s Center | Abortion Clinic Orlando
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