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How Much Does It Cost To Get an Abortion? / Insurance And More.

If you are contemplating having an abortion, you are perhaps wondering how much it costs to get an abortion. Among the various sophisticated aspects that prevent people from having this constitutional right, cost tops the list. While it is pretty straightforward, some women find it a bit challenging, grasping the cost of pregnancy termination and the variables that affect it. Now, the total cost of an abortion depends on various factors, including how old the pregnancy is, your location, types of abortion, and insurance cover.

Factors that determine abortion cost:

Generally, the cost of pregnancy termination ranges between $0 to $1500 in the first trimester of pregnancy (3 to 12 weeks). From 12.1 to 24 weeks gestation, the cost may vary from $500 to $35,000. Why such a big range in price?

Health Insurance:

If you have health insurance coverage, there is a possibility that it covers the whole or just part of the cost. You can contact the insurance firm directly to find out about your specific coverage.

Income and financial support programs in your local area:

The financial support programs and your income, may also come into play. If you don’t have health insurance or do not want to use it for personal reasons, the staff at the abortion clinic can tell you if there are programs in your region that can help pay for part or all of the abortion costs.

Where you live:

Just like the cost of healthcare services in general, abortion costs vary depending on the geographic location.

Type of abortion:

An in-clinic surgical abortion procedure cost generally differs from that of the abortion pill process.

How far you are into the pregnancy:

The older the pregnancy, the higher the cost of the abortion procedure.

The Orlando Women’s Center is here to help in one of the most difficult times in a woman’s life. Please contact our Women’s Health Center to inquire about the cost of our abortion procedures.

Additional costs:

There are abortion facilities that charge additional fees for blood tests, anesthesia, prescription medications, and sonograms. Our offices have an all inclusive fee for these services.

Types of abortion and costs:

In-clinic Abortion:

An surgical abortion performed in a physician’s office or hospital, generally costs more than a out-patient medical abortion procedure.

The average costs at different weeks of pregnancy are the following:

  • First trimester: Between 3 and 12 weeks costs on average between $300 and $1,500.
  • Early Second Trimester: Between 12.1 and 16.5 weeks costs between $400 and $2000.
  • Late Second Trimester: Between 16.6 and 24 weeks is $1,000 to $35,000.7

For pregnancies in the first trimester, manual or electrical gentle vacuum suction is utilized to remove the pregnancy from the intrauterine cavity.

There is the option of sedation or anesthesia to help with discomfort or pain. You may be given antibiotics that may prevent a pelvic infection.

Starting some form of birth control to prevent pregnancy is important. Ovulation may occur as early as 5 days after the abortion is complete.

Many women prefer an in-clinic abortion because it’s generally less expensive and quicker than the abortion pill procedure and requires only one or two appointments.

Medication Abortion

Also referred to as the abortion pill, EMA (Early Medication Abortion), French Pill or RU-486 costs between $300 and $1700 in the first trimester of pregnancy.

When is it used?

The abortion pill process is ideal for pregnancies between 3 to 12 weeks. The medical abortion can be performed up to 24 weeks with minimal complications and side effects.

The process:

You abortion pill process consists of taking two pills:

The first pill; Mifepristone is taken in the office. It blocks the hormone progesterone that is responsible for maintaining the pregnancy. Taking the medication is responsible for separating the pregnancy away from the uterine wall.

The second pill, Misoprostol is generally taken 24 to 72 hours later at home. The mechanism of action is to cause uterine contractions. This leads to vaginal bleeding and the pregnancy tissue being expelled.

Antibiotics may be prescribed to reduce the incidence of infection. Medications may be prescribed for pain and discomfort. Most women experience cramping and heavy bleeding within 3 to 4 hours of taking Misoprostol.

Vaginal bleeding and spotting on average lasts for 7 to 14 days.

Medication abortions are highly safe and effective. In the past 3 to 5 years, there has been a significant influx of Medication Abortion facilities opening in the United States that offer only the abortion pill procedure.

Where can I get the abortion pill?

You can get the abortion medication at any of our women’s health centers located in Florida. Our experienced medical personnel and doctors are specialists in offering non-judgmental and safe abortions. We are here to support your needs throughout the entire abortion process.

When looking for a place to have an abortion, be cautious of crisis pregnancy centers. They are fake medical facilities run by people who want to shame or scare people out of terminating their pregnancy.

Depending on where you stay, there may be a waiting period or age limitation to get an abortion. Ask about these limitations when you contact your local health center or doctor.

Does insurance cover abortion costs?

Yes; there are some insurance policies that cover abortion. There are providers that cover elective abortions.

There are threats to such coverage. Federal and State legislator’s are passing laws to inhibit insurance companies from covering abortions.

Currently, there are over 20 states limit abortion coverage only to plans offered via insurance exchange. Eleven states limit abortion coverage in all policies (including those offered via health insurance exchanges established by the federal health reform law). In addition; 22 states limit abortion coverage in policies for all public employees.

To be certain your insurance company will cover your abortion costs, please call and ask about the details.

Does Medicaid cover abortion costs?

The Medicaid insurance program jointly controlled by the federal government and the states for people earning below a certain amount covers pregnancy termination only in cases of life endangerment, incest, or rape in most States.

While all states in the United States have Medicaid programs, not all clinics or health facilities are Medicaid providers.

Physical Costs

Apart from monetary costs, there are also many possible physical costs of pregnancy termination that you should be aware of before undergoing an abortion procedure.

Side effects and complications of abortion are rare, buy may include the following:

  • Adverse reaction sedation or anesthesia
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Damage to the uterus, bladder, bowel or womb
  • Infections
  • Prolonged cramping and pain
  • Retained abortion tissue/failed abortion.
  • Septic shock
  • Death. Keep In mind that undergoing an abortion procedure is 11 times safer than having a term baginal delivery

Emotional and psychological cost:

Deciding to undergo an abortion procedure is very serious. The following emotions are very common to experience prior to the procedure:

  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Depression or sadness
  • Eating disorders
  • Regret or guilt
  • Sleeping disorders
  • Loss of self-respect or confidence
  • Sense of isolation or loneliness
  • Substance use I.e. marijuana, alcohol
  • Suicidal feelings or thoughts
  • Relationship issues

Studies show that the most common emotion individuals have after the procedure is relief.

Women suffering from severe depression and anxiety are extremely rare after the abortion process is complete.

Healthcare Reform and Abortion

There is controversy regarding whether abortion should be covered by the US healthcare system. Abortion services should not be denied to low-income earners. It is unjust, unfair, wrong and discriminant.

The Supreme Court ruled (1973) that the right to abort or not to abort is guaranteed by the constitution. As such, if a government-sponsored health care program fails to consider this, then the whole plan should be declared against the law. All women should have and retain the right to make personal decisions about their reproductive health and childbearing.

Dr James S Pendergraft | Orlando Women’s Center | Abortion Clinic Orlando

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