Medical Abortion: The Risks And Side Effects You Must Know.

Medical Abortion: The Risks And Side Effects You Must Know.

Medical abortions, also known as medication abortions, are a safe and effective method of ending a pregnancy in the early stages.

The process involves taking medication that stops the development of the pregnancy, causing it to end.

Medical abortions are becoming increasingly popular due to the ease and privacy they provide. However, as with any medical procedure, there are risks and side effects associated with medical abortions.

One of the primary risks of medical abortions is the failure of the procedure. In some cases, the medication may not be effective in ending the pregnancy, and a surgical abortion may be required. The incidence of of this occurring is less than 1%.

Another risk of medical abortions is bleeding and cramping. Heavy bleeding is common after a medical abortion, and can last for several days. There is a 1% change of mild or intermittent bleeding lasting for 30 to 60 days.

The cramping can be severe, and pain medication may be necessary to manage the discomfort. In some cases, women may also experience nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

It is important to monitor the symptoms and seek medical attention if necessary if the pain remains severe, develop temperature of 100.4 or bleeding more than two pads an hour.

In rare cases, medical abortions can lead to serious complications. One of the most serious is sepsis, a bacterial infection. If left untreated, sepsis can be life-threatening.

Symptoms of sepsis include tiredness and fatigue, difficulty awakening, severe lower abdominal pain and foul vaginal discharge. Women with sepsis have a medical emergency and must go to the emergency room immediately.

Other serious complications include heavy bleeding, damage to the cervix, and ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy that develops outside the uterus).

Having a Medical Abortion is much safer than carrying a pregnancy to term for the woman. The maternal death rate is 10 times higher with a full term delivery compared to an abortion.

Abortion is much safer than getting a tooth pulled or getting a shot of penicillin. In addition to the risks and side effects, medical abortions are not always covered by insurance, and can be expensive.

The cost of the medication and any additional treatments, such as pain medication or follow-up appointments, can add up quickly. Women who are considering a medical abortion should be aware of the potential costs and plan accordingly.

In Conclusion

Medical abortions are a safe and effective method of ending a pregnancy in the early stages, but they do carry risks and side effects.

Women who are considering a medical abortion should be aware of these risks, and discuss them with their healthcare provider.

It is also important to consider the emotional side effects, and to seek support and counseling if necessary. Additionally, the cost of the procedure should be taken into account, as it is not always covered by insurance.

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Dr James S Pendergraft | Orlando Women’s CenterAbortion Pill Clinic | Articles On Abortion

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