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How Far Along Can You Get An Abortion?

The U.S. Supreme Court in their Roe vs Wade ruling in 1973 not only legalized abortion in all States, but allowed them to maintain interest when the fetus reaches viability.

While this was a significant women regarding women being able to maintain control of their own bodies, ‘how far along can get an abortion’ remains a critical issue. The presidential debate in 2016 was marred by the pertinent ‘ripping a baby out of the uterus’ statement.

State Legislatures continue to pass laws that are meant to severely restrict and outlaw all abortions. Fetal pain statutes and the question of fetal viability (survival of the fetus outside the womb) raise points of contention and attempt to justify laws that lower the gestational age for terminating a pregnancy.

Making the decision to undergo an abortion, is never an easy decision for any woman. Financial, family, social, moral, religious and ethical thoughts are all involved in the conclusion to end a pregnancy.

How Far Along Can You Get An Abortion?

If you are looking at how far along can you get an abortion, the reality is that the answer is not as straight forward as it seems.

Laws of how far and in what circumstances abortions can be performed vary from one state to the other.

The experience and staff of the abortion clinic you visit may not be qualified to go past a certain number of weeks to terminate a pregnancy. There are only a few facilities that terminate pregnancies past 20 weeks.

According to APA (American Pregnancy Association), most medical communities usually consider fetal viability approximately 24 to 26 weeks of gestational age. This may vary as there are fetal structural and congenital fetal abnormalities that are incompatible with life at full term.

Currently the majority of States in the U.S. states disallow pregnancy termination after the ‘viability’ period unless there is a threat to the life or health of the mother or a severe incompatibility of life fetal indication.

Approximately 7.1% of women undergo a termination of pregnancy between 14 and 20.1 weeks. Only 1.3% of abortions occur after 20.1 weeks gestation.

Factors that affect how late you can get an abortion:

When it comes to late abortions, several factors affect how far along you can receive abortion services. This includes the following:

· Residence State Regulations

Different states have different laws and statutes governing up to the number of weeks an abortion can occur.

These regulations primarily apply to the abortion providers in a particular state regardless of the given state the patient resides in.

Across the spectrum, abortions are rarely carried beyond 24 weeks post-conception, and are only performed for genuine health concerns regarding the mother or fetus.

· Type of abortion

Another crucial factor influencing how late you receive abortion services is the type of abortion being performed.

Generally, there are two abortion types:

  • medication abortion (also commonly called medical abortion or abortion pill)

This form of abortion is generally performed performed within the initial 11 to 12 weeks of gestation.

The process can also be started and completed in 99% of cases with less than 1% chance of complications or side effects in patients who are 24 weeks or further.

  • surgical abortion (also called in-clinic abortion).

According to Guttmacher Institute, in State of Virginia abortions are prohibited during the third trimester (28.1 weeks or further). There are 17 states banning abortion after the 20th week of pregnancy. There are approximately 20 states where abortions are illegal if the fetus is determined to be viable.

Below is an outline of some types of late-term surgical abortions.

Methods That Are Performed For Late Term Abortion:

1. Labor Induction Of A Preterm Fetus:

This procedure is performed generally after a period of 16.5 weeks to 24 weeks or beyond. The use of uterotonic medications (oxytocin, prostaglandins (E1 and E2), hypertonic saline instilled within the intrauterine cavity can be utilized to induce labor.

Induction of labor using the combination of Mifepristone and Misoprostol has been found to be highly safe, effective and the most efficient method to do so.

2: Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) –

This involves cervical preparation in which special medication (Laminaria or Misoprostol) is inserted through the cervix and allows the slow opening and softening of the cervix. Generally after 24 to 48 hours, dilators are utilized to slowly open the Cervix. Special surgical instruments are then used to remove the pregnancy tissue.

3. Hysterotomy

In the event that other less-invasive procedures are either not advisable available this procedure may be advisable.

This particular procedure is similar to the standard cesarean procedure except a smaller skin and uterine incision is made.

The hysterectomy procedure poses the most significant risk and the most prolonged duration of recovery.

In virtually to all pregnancy stages, abortions are usually a very safe and significantly effective option of pregnancy termination regardless of the reason.

The most important consideration for any patient is to visit an experienced and accredited professional or health institution to ensure that the abortion is performed safely.

What are the Risks of Abortion?

Ultimately, if you discover that you are pregnant and contemplating your available options, you need to take adequate time to evaluate and determine the most appropriate and right decision for you.

Abortions procedures overall are very safe in experienced medical hands. However; like any other medical procedure, it is prone to risks and side effects. The further the number of weeks pregnant, the higher the chances of complications and side effects.

The chances of experiencing severe complications are less than 0.05 % using the modern methods for termination of pregnancies.

The risk of dying during childbirth is eleven times greater compared to the risk of dying from a abortion procedure.

Approximately 90% of abortions are performed within the initial 12 weeks of pregnancy.

If you are thinking about getting an abortion, please visit a licensed abortion clinic/facility or consult with an experienced and accredited professional. This way, you are sure to receive accurate information on the risks involved, the costs, and then undergo the best procedure for ending your pregnancy.

Looking For Safe, Professional Abortion Services

If you are looking for abortion services, Orlando Women’s Center located in Florida, is the best clinic available. Like virtually all other medical procedures, visiting a seasoned, licensed, and expert physician is always the best way to guarantee your safety, privacy, assurance and long lasting good health.

At The Orlando Women’s Clinic, we offer both early and late abortion services. We perform same-day first and second trimester abortion services from 3 to 24 week with minimal to no complications or side effects.

If you wish to learn more about how early or late you can have an abortion, contact us at 407-245-7999 to schedule an appointment.

Dr James S Pendergraft | Orlando Women’s Center | Abortion Clinic Orlando

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