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Termination Of Pregnancy | The Justifiable Reasons to Seek Abortion in the US.

Abortion is an emotionally charged topic. From personal conflicting thoughts to protestors at the doors of some clinics, this health service is one of the most underappreciated and resisted in the nation. At The Orlando Women’s Center, we know that you have valid reasons for seeking an abortion. It’s our responsibility to provide you the best healthcare service if you seek to end your pregnancy.

Our services combine abortion procedures with counseling and reproductive health education in a legal, safe, and professional environment.

Abortion became legal after the landmark ruling in the 1973 Roe v Wade case. The ruling affirmed that all women have a constitutional right to access safe and legal abortion services. Nonetheless, ever since that momentous passing of the law, pro-life activists have been doing all they can to frustrate abortion health care in the US. The result is that fewer and fewer women get access to abortion healthcare services every year.

Accessibility is hard as clinics have become scarce

Abortion clinics are closing down in the US. Many states have also been quick to pass laws that restrict this fundamental women’s rights. Today more than half of women in the US (those of the reproductive age) live in states with hostility towards abortion rights. According to NBC News reports, the result is that today there are fewer abortions in the US than when it became legal in 1973. People in states with growing hostility towards abortion rights often have to travel to other states to access safe and professional abortion and care.

Restrictions on abortion may lead to unsafe procedure and deaths

Abortions are a safe medical procedure when carried out by qualified doctors in professional settings. If any of the newly enacted restrictions in Alabama and other states are to be implemented in the future, people will resort to desperate measures. Countries with restrictions on abortions have the highest numbers of unsafe abortions and related deaths.

Abortion is currently still legal in all the 50 states, and 73% of Americans want it to remain that way

An often politicized topic, many republican states moved to pass and enact some abortion restriction legislation after the 2016 elections. Thankfully, none of the laws passed have been implemented. Many have been struck down as unconstitutional. That means that despite limited access to care, women may still be able to get safe and legal abortion services in most states. 73 % of Americans are opposed to overturning the 1973 abortion ruling.

Justifiable Reasons to Seek Abortion in the US

Surveys show that most women who seek abortion in the US do so because of unwanted pregnancies. Either it’s because one is worried the baby would interfere with work, education, or their ability to care for their other dependent.

Teenage pregnancy

Trustable data shows that 750,000 thousand teenage pregnancies happen in the US every year. Of those teenage girls that get pregnant and carry it to term, less than 2 % attain a college degree by the time they reach 30. Further, only 40 % of teenagers who give birth before the age of 18 earn a high school diploma. A significant number gives up the baby for adoption.

The statistics show how an unplanned teenage pregnancy can upend a young girl’s life. Teenage pregnancies derail the education and the economic empowerment of women. Choosing to prevent or terminate teen pregnancy is choosing to grow and mature, get an education, and earn the financial capacity necessary for parenthood.

Bad relationships

Janet Beth was insanely in love with a guy she had met online. It was a fast and wild relationship. She thought he was the one until after a few weeks they talked about kids. He didn’t want any, and that was non-negotiable for him. So they broke it off.

But a few days later, Janet realized her period was late. She discovered that she was pregnant. Now she had an unplanned pregnancy with zero support from the man. She booked a medical abortion and has never regretted it.

Although financial stability and preparedness are one of the key drivers of the decision to end pregnancies, and validly so, bad relationships also play a role in it. These include babies conceived of new or ‘undefined’ relationships. That means that the father will not likely be in the picture. If you are not ready to be a single mother, we have several options for you. Talk to us.

First, if you choose to end your pregnancy, you have no legal obligation to inform the father. We will stand with you. At The Orlando Women’s Center, we provide a diverse range of effective emergency contraception and abortion procedures for women in all stages of pregnancy.

Congenital problems

Today most congenital disabilities can be identified before birth. These include health problems and physical anomalies that the baby can have after they are born. These defects can cause lifelong disability and both emotional and financial stress for the parent. The baby may live to spend most of their lives in hospital, die before adulthood, or die just a few weeks after birth. If you are not ready to go through that, we can help you. Contact our abortion clinic Orlando to weigh your options.

Common causes of congenital disabilities include:

· Disease-causing genes passed down from the parents

· Abnormal changes in chromosomes

· Environmental risks—the mother’s health


Data shows that 1 in every 33 newborns in the US has a significant birth defect. These range from kidney problems, learning disabilities, vision problems, congenital heart problems, autism, and abnormal shape of the head, hands, eyes, mouth, or spinal cord not fully closed. The risk of your baby having these problems depends on your health history, age, and genetic factors.

Birth defects can be diagnosed before birth, giving you the option to choose your path. Tests run to identify congenital anomalies include:

· Testing cells in the amniotic fluid

· Looking at the fetus’ DNA in the mother’s blood

· Alpha-fetoprotein tests

· Ultrasound

· Prenatal screening

Mother’s health complications

Certain conditions that affect an expectant mother before or during pregnancy are also a justifiable reason to seek an abortion. These are conditions that either put the life of the mother or the unborn child at risk. Terminating the pregnancy can help to save the mother’s life.

Cancer: Chemotherapy risks the life of the unborn child.

Cardiac conditions: The risk of fatality is high in pregnant mothers with heart conditions.

Kidney conditions: Carrying a pregnancy to term with renal problems can lead to organ damage in the mother or deformities in the development of the fetus.

Ectopic pregnancies: When the embryo implants and develops in the fallopian tube, it risks the mother’s life to carry the child to term.

I Cannot Continue With My Pregnancy, What Are My Options?

Emergency contraception

At our abortion clinic Orlando, we provide three options for you. The first option is emergency contraception, which works up to five days after sexual intercourse. This is not an abortion. Instead, it’s an emergency prevention measure that eliminates the need for an abortion later on.

The contraception we provide, also known as the morning-after pill, is not the same as the over the counter pill. The prescription pill works 98% of the time. Our Orlando Women’s Center health specialists will do a comprehensive assessment of your health history. They will choose a day-after-pill with the least side effects for you.

Common side effects with emergency pills

· Headaches and dizziness

· Nausea and vomiting

· Breast tenderness

· Abdominal pain and cramps

· Heavier menstrual bleeding

The other two options for you include medical and surgical abortion.

Abortion pill

Medical abortion, also known as the abortion pill, works effectively in the first trimester. It’s a medical approach that uses a combination of medications that stop the embryo’s implantation and growth. This abortion method works for up to 11 weeks after your last period.

At The Orlando Women’s Center, we do comprehensive tests and assessments to choose medication with the least complications. After the treatment, you may be able to return to normal life activities on the same day.

Possible risks with medical abortion

· Heavy bleeding

· Fever and infection

· Abdominal pain

· Fatigue

· Diarrhea and dizziness

Surgical abortion

Surgical abortion is prescribed for mid to late-term pregnancies. Not many clinics in the US specialize in late-term abortions. We do, we have been performing these procedures for more than 20 years. If you decide to end your pregnancy between 6 days and 23 weeks after conception, talk to us.

Our surgical procedures are minimally invasive. We carry out detailed pre-abortion exams to decide on a surgical approach with the best outcome for you. There is no ‘going under the knife.’

Our specialists employ various evidence-based approaches to remove pregnancy vaginally. A combination of anesthesia, cervical relaxing medication, and suction techniques leads to a successful, painless ten-minute procedure.

Possible complications with surgical abortion

· Excessive bleeding

· Infection

· Sweating

· Fatigue

You Deserve the Best Care

Looking for a safe abortion clinic Orlando? Find a health center where you are guaranteed a safe and effective treatment. At The Orlando Women’s Center, we use a comprehensive approach that includes pre-abortion care and counseling, effective medication and surgical procedures, and aftercare and follow-up.

We understand the emotional stress you are going through. We are here for you. We will treat you with love, respect, and confidentiality. Talk to us at 407-245-7999.

Dr James S Pendergraft | Orlando Women’s Center | Abortion Clinic Orlando

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