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How to Get an Abortion: A Step-By-Step Guide For Termination Of Pregnancy.

Abortion is one of the safest medical procedures when done by a licensed provider. In the majority of cases, it is an outpatient procedure that takes a few days to a few weeks to recover from. It is often painless or only mildly uncomfortable, and it rarely affects the person’s ability to conceive in the future.

Now that you have decided to get an abortion, also sometimes known as a termination of pregnancy, the most important thing to do is to look for a licensed abortion provider. You should also be prepared to meet with a counselor and to discuss your medical history with your doctor. If you don’t feel sure about your decision, there is still plenty of time to learn what to expect from the procedure.

Here is a list of things you need to do:

  • Make yourself familiar with your state’s abortion laws
  • Find a licensed abortion provider
  • Set up an appointment
  • Visit the abortion clinic

Be familiar with your state’s abortion laws

In the United States, opinions are divided on whether abortion should be legal or not, so different states have different abortion laws. You must familiarize yourself with your state’s laws, too if you want the process to go smoothly.

In some states, it is illegal to abort a fetus after 20 months; in others, it is 24 months. Some states require that all abortions must be performed in a hospital. In others, pre-abortion counseling and getting an ultrasound before the procedure is mandatory. You may even be asked to wait a certain amount of time before you get the abortion.

You need to know all the specific requirements for your situation before setting up an appointment. That way, you can avoid a lot of legal headaches.

Find a licensed abortion provider

Although abortion as a medical procedure is safe (even safer than childbirth in America), it is perilous to terminate a pregnancy at an unlicensed abortion clinic. Thousands of women around the world lose their lives in these illegitimate abortion clinics, and many more suffer lifelong complications. The importance of seeking a licensed abortion provider cannot be overstated. It can be the difference between life and death.

There are two ways to start searching for an abortion provider in your area. You can ask around. If you know someone who’s had an abortion before, you can ask them for recommendations. Better yet, you can ask your doctor for a referral. They may have the contact information of a reputable provider on hand.

You can also search online. Websites like Planned Parenthood tend to have a list of abortion providers by state. Just type in your zip code and see if there are any clinics nearby. Though there are quite a few legitimate abortion providers advertising online, not all advertisements you see are to be trusted. Some of the doctors you’ll meet this way may not be licensed.

Set up an appointment

When you find a facility that’s near you, call them to set up an appointment. But first, ask everything you need to know about their services. Some abortion facilities don’t perform the actual procedure; they only give referrals. You need to ascertain that the clinic performs abortions.

If you need to, make a list of questions to ask before your appointment. You can inquire about the number of visits required or the length of the procedure. You can also ask about bringing someone along and the type of information that will be needed from you.

Even before the appointment, you can go check out of the clinic to make sure it’s a clean and professional environment. Don’t settle for a clinic if it makes you uncomfortable, and you certainly must not get an abortion in someone’s place of residence.

You can always ask for the obstetrician’s name to verify their qualifications. There’s nothing wrong with making sure that you’re dealing with board-certified medical practitioners.

Also, remember to ask about pricing. The average cost of a first-trimester abortion ranges from $300 to $1,000. Second and third-trimester abortions are typically more expensive. Sometimes insurance covers some or most of the cost; sometimes it doesn’t. Some abortion centers may provide other financing options or more competitive rates. Weigh all your options before making a decision.

Visiting the Abortion Clinic: What to Expect

1. Counseling and paperwork

During the initial appointment, you will be required to take a pregnancy test. You will also sit down with a counselor to discuss the other options you can pursue.

Be ready to fill out some paperwork. Most of it is about your medical history. You must be honest when answering these questions. They determine the type of care that is right for you.

During this appointment, all your options will be laid out in front of you. You can change your mind about getting the procedure at any time. The counselor is there to help you make the best decision for yourself.

2. The type of procedure

The type of abortion you can have will be different depending on the duration of your pregnancy. If you’re still in the first trimester, you may have two options:

  • – This one is a non-invasive procedure that involves the use of two abortion pharmaceuticals: one to break down the uterine lining, and the other to expunge the fetus. It is mostly administered to patients in their 10th to 12th week of pregnancy. It typically takes longer to complete and is not a viable option for everyone.
  • – Suction or vacuum aspiration is the most common type of abortion. It is a suitable option if you’re in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy. This procedure involves examination, mild sedation, and the use of a tube (which is inserted into the cervix) and a suction device to remove the fetus. It typically takes 10 minutes to complete.
  • This procedure is performed between 16 and 24 weeks of pregnancy. You will get medication to dilate the cervix, and then a suction device will be used to extract the fetus. It typically takes around 10 to 20 minutes from start to finish.

How to Prepare for the Day

Arrive a few minutes early

Give yourself a few minutes to settle your nerves before the procedure begins. Get to the clinic a few minutes early and get settled. It’s also good to observe punctuality to keep your appointment.

The process will likely start with a few more examinations, including an ultrasound. In total, expect to spend two to five hours at the facility.

Dress in loose clothing

Don’t wear anything too tight or uncomfortable. It is recommended to wear a comfortable, loose-fitting outfit that you can put on without struggling. Leave excessive jewelry at home also. Dress for comfort, not style.

Observe pre-op preliminaries

Your doctor will likely have told you how to prepare physically for the procedure. Make sure you don’t eat or drink anything for at least two hours before the abortion. Also, don’t take anything alcoholic after midnight on the night before the abortion.

Bring a friend

You might want to bring a friend along, and that’s okay. They can provide moral support and company. They may also be required to drive you home after the procedure if you are sedated or put under during the abortion.

Post-Abortion Care

Take some days off work.

It might be necessary to take a few days off work to recover after the procedure. Arrange to have as much as a week off to allow your body time to heal properly. In some cases, you’ll be instructed to avoid heavy exercise for a while. You should also not engage in sex for at least a few days after the procedure.

Follow the doctor’s orders.

After the abortion, you will receive a care package with medication and instructions to get you through the recovery phase. It is essential to adhere to these instructions. Call the doctor if you observe abnormal symptoms like excessive bleeding or cramping.

Talk to friends or family members.

Speak to someone who has been through a similar ordeal before. Talking to people can reduce feelings of guilt and shame. There is a lot of stigma surrounding abortion, so it is vital to be with people that love you and understand your decision.

Seek counseling if negative emotions persist

If feelings of guilt, anger, sadness, and shame persist, you can always seek professional help. Women’s centers often offer free counseling services to help people in your situation. You can also seek out a support group of people who’ve had abortions before. A safe space to share your thoughts and feelings can help you overcome any negative emotions that come after the procedure.

Getting an Abortion is Not a Crime

You’ve probably already encountered a few “Crisis Pregnancy Centers” and anti-abortion groups in your search for a legal abortion clinic. Don’t pay them any mind. Unfortunately, abortion is still a hot-button issue in our community, and it has been heavily politicized.

In reality, getting an abortion is your legal right, no matter what anti-abortion protests might have you believe. You have a right to access safe and legal abortion services no matter where you are. It is one of the most reliable medical procedures on the planet, and it typically takes less than a day to complete.

Talk to a licensed obstetrician to learn more about how to get an abortion or to find a licensed facility.

Dr James S Pendergraft | Orlando Women’s Center | Abortion Clinic Orlando

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