Covid And Pregnancy | What To Watch For While Being Pregnant.

Covid And Pregnancy | What To Watch For While Being Pregnant.

Being pregnant in this pandemic period is not the best time to live your pregnancy serenely. Canceled or postponed medical appointments, fear of contamination when going to the hospital, the general atmosphere is not the lightest…

The risk of developing a severe form of the disease seems higher for women who are expecting a child. But scientific studies, which are scarce on this subject, call for caution with regard to these conclusions.

Pregnant, Am I More At Risk?

Yes, because expectant mothers are considered to be part of the fragile populations with regard to general viral infections. In pregnant women, a natural decline in the immune system (we speak of immunosuppression) appears after a few months of pregnancy, especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. Hygiene precautions are therefore more important.

Avoiding the Coronavirus During Pregnancy.

Avoiding the Coronavirus During Pregnancy.

Pregnant During The Covid-19, What To Watch For?

Here are some recommendations for a pregnancy to take place under the best auspices by putting all the chances on your side:

  • Apply barrier gestures and go out masked. Overall, pregnant women are more vulnerable to infections.
  • Washing your hands, going out only if necessary are the precautionary principles to be respected by future mothers.
  • Teleconsultation should be favored as much as possible. The three mandatory ultrasounds are maintained, but precautions including those of going to examinations alone and barrier gestures must be respected.
  • For pregnant women in the third trimester, teleworking should be preferred. They can make a request for partial activity or sick leave, prescribed by their doctor.
  • Regarding pregnancy monitoring, the High Authority for Health recommends that pregnant women do their 3 mandatory examinations, even during the health crisis. This is all the more important to monitor the mother-to-be and the baby. In addition, she will be able to ask all these questions, whether or not relating to Covid-19.
  • It is also better to avoid contact with sick people. The fever itself can affect the health of the woman and her baby, whether it is caused by an infection with the coronavirus or another virus or bacteria.
Washing your hands is one of the easiest and most effective measures you can take against Covid.

Washing your hands is one of the easiest and most effective measures you can take against The Covid.

Are Congenital Malformations Possible?

The High Council for Public Health indicated, in its report of July 23, 2020, that no malformation related to Covid-19 had been described to date. However, Irish health authorities said on March 4 that they were investigating the cases of four stillborn babies which could be linked to Covid-19.

According to the medical examiners who reported these cases, the pregnant women, who tested positive, had delivered a stillborn child, the cause of death of which was an infection of the placenta.

However, in terms of good news, several cases have been reported around the world without formal proof of seriousness for both mother and child. Breastfeeding is also not discouraged in the event of coronavirus infection.

Breastfeeding is not discouraged in the event of coronavirus infection.

Breastfeeding is not discouraged in the event of coronavirus infection.

In the vast majority of cases, pregnant women are asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic. But we must not rule out the classic risks linked to pregnancy such as venous thrombosis or preeclampsia which are multiplied with Covid-19.

Dr James S Pendergraft | Orlando Women’s Center

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