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Abortion Clinics And Coronavirus – Women’s Centers Making Great Strides To Keep Our Patients And Staff Safe.

The Women’s Center Abortion Clinics located in Orlando, Tampa and Ft. Lauderdale, Florida have implemented higher precautions to prevent the spread of the Neo Coronavirus (COVID -19 or Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome [SARS CoV 2]) to Patients that visit our facilities.

The Women’s Center’s have our Medical Staff making a conscious effort to wipe down door knobs and surfaces with disinfectant that destroys 99.9% of viruses throughout our buildings several times a day.

Our patients should all be courteous and cautious to cough or sneeze into their elbows and refrain from touching their hands and fingers to their faces, mouth or nose.

We should all greet all patients and staff members with a fist, elbow or foot bump. There should be no handshakes.

Please do not be offended by our medical staff wearing gloves, protective masks or other clothing.

What Is The Neo Coronavirus?

COVID 19 is a virus that gets into the human body by its spiked protein on its surface attacking the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE 2) protein on the endothelium cells that line our vital organs such as the lungs, kidneys, heart and liver.

The COVID 19 virus invades normal cells and replicate. They kill off normal cells. The human body’s immune system responds by increasing the amount of immune cells and inflammatory cells to attempt to fight the infection.

The majority of patients (80%) exposed to the virus will be asymptomatic (no symptoms) to just only have a mild presentation.

What Makes The Coronavirus So Potentially Lethal And Dangerous?

The COVID 19 virus is in the same Coronavirus family as SARS I that struck the world several years ago except this one is more virulent.

The present human population never had exposure to COVID 19 and thus no antibodies have ever been present in the human body to fight the virus.

A significant amount of fluid and toxins build up leading to failure of the immune system to fight off the viral infection but the onset of bacterial infections in the lungs, kidneys, liver, heart and gastrointestinal tract.

Invasion of the bacteria in the bloodstream may lead to sepsis, septic shock (loss of body able to maintain blood pressure and adequate oxygenation of vital organs) and rapid death due to cardiovascular collapse (heart failure).

What Are The Most Common Symptoms of the Neo Coronavirus?

The initial onset of symptoms of COVID 19 may be mild Gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, lower abdominal pain and mild diarrhea.

For patients who have the combination of fever, headache, dry cough or experiencing shortness of breath, we ask that they refrain from visiting our medical facilities for two weeks after getting these symptoms.

How Is The Neo Coronavirus Diagnosed?

Serology (blood) and nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal (nose and throat swabs) have shown the COVID 19 virus to remain positive in the body for 1 to 30 days.

Rectal swabs have remained positive for the Neo Coronavirus for more than 30 days. This brings into question of whether the oral-anal route similar to Hepatitis A is a primary means of spread of the virus in addition to COVID 19 spread through air droplets.

What Should One Do If You Suspect If You Or Someone Has COVID 19?

Potential patients with the above symptoms should consider visiting their personal physician or emergency room.

In the interim they should probably self-quarantine themselves, monitor their temperature and have a buddy system where someone is checking on them by phone or not have anyone closer than 6 feet from them.

Do Not Use Non-Steroidal Ani-Inflammatories (NSAIDs) To Treat Symptoms Of Fever, Headache, Muscle Aches Pain Or Discomfort If Suspect COVID 19:

It has been noted is several countries like China and France that taking NSAIDs such as Advil, Ibuprofen and Aspirin appear to increase the potential of worsening COVID-19 symptoms and death.

Instead of NSAIDs, one should cconsider taking Tylenol (Acetaminophen) to treat fever. headaches and muscle aches.

Tylenol has less of inhibiting prostaglandins and other crucial inflammatory responses that are significant in fighting COVID 19 viral invasion of the human body.

By inhibiting the natural inflammatory response that normally happens, NSAID’s, could reduce the ability of our immune system to reduce the viral load from entering the human body and alleviating permanent organ scarring or death due to the Neo Coronavirus.

It appears that all NSAIDs increase the risk of of severe complications including death in the presence of a fever, cough, headache and shortness of breath.

What Are Precautions To Take In Preventing The Spread Of The Neo Coronavirus?

The most important step is to avoid crowds, traveling and people who appear to have flu symptoms (fever, cough and headache.)

Handwashing and the use of hand sanitizers are a must. The consistent use of Wet Wipes and sprays on surfaces that kill 99.9% of viruses on surfaces.

Patients at the highest risk of developing severe symptoms from the Neo Coronavirus are the following:

  • Age 60 or older
  • Men
  • Patients who are severely immunocompromised
    • Diabetics
    • Chronic Hypertension
    • Heart Disease
    • Kidney Disease
    • Liver Disease
    • Connective Tissue Disease
    • Immunologic Disease

Children 9 years old or younger are less susceptible in developing severe symptoms or systemic problems such as Respiratory Distress, reduced oxygenation throughout the body leading to multiple organ failure (kidneys, liver, heart and brain) and early death. This process can occur within a matter of hours. Thus the importance of having a family member or developing a buddy system for “well checks”.

The Women’s Center’s Mission:

The Women’s Centers are here to continue to serve women from our local communities, across the United States and Worldwide in one of the most difficult times in their lives.

Our Abortion Clinic Offices perform termination of pregnancies from 3 to 24 weeks using the Abortion Pill and Surgical methods.

The Abortion Pill procedure consists of the combined use of Mifepristone (Mifeprex, Mifegyne, RU 486, French Pill) and Misoprostol (Cytotec).

What Effect Does The COVID 19 Have On Pregnancy?

There have only been small observational studies mostly out of China up to this point. Thus it is still early to form solid and major conclusions.

The COVID 19 virus does not appear to pass from the mother to the fetus in-utero.

There does appear to be a slight increase in preterm labor and preterm births.

It is too early to determine if COVID 19 has a congenital or associated with any fetal abnormalities in the first trimester (3 to 14 weeks) of pregnancy.

We do not know if the Neo Coronavirus is associated with a higher incidence of spontaneous abortions.

We do know regarding first trimester observations in the past that patients who experience elevated temperatures in the first trimester of pregnancy are associated with a higher incidence of spontaneous miscarriages and congenital abnormalities. We do not know if this will hold true for the COVID 19 virus.

How Safe Is The Abortion Pill Procedure?

The Medical Abortion Procedure is highly safe and effective. The maternal death rate is ten times higher with delivering a term infant compared to an Abortion Pill Procedure.

Up To How many weeks is the Medical Abortion Performed?

We perform early first trimester abortions (3 to 10 weeks) using the abortion pill method at the best abortion clinic Missouri.

The Medical Abortion Procedure can be performed in the first trimester (3 to 14 weeks), second trimester (14.1 to 28 weeks), and the third trimester (28.1 weeks or further) if medically indicated.

The dosages required to perform the termination of pregnancy around the 20th, 23rd or 26th week of pregnancy.

Ultra Early Pregnancy Abortion:

China studies with over 4000 women were not associated with an ectopic pregnancy in women who underwent the abortion pill procedure with Mifepristone and Misoprostol who were 4 weeks or less pregnant.

The dosage of the medications can be decreased which lessens the incidence of all complications and side effects.

It is suggested that all women undergo the medical abortion procedure at 4 weeks or less gestation to reduce the incidence of maternal morbidity and mortality.

Second Trimester Abortion Clinics Utilizing the Medical Abortion Method:

In the hands of experienced Physicians and medical personnel, the abortion pill procedure is performed in the first, second and the third trimesters of pregnancy all over the world.

Our Abortion Pill Clinic in Tampa Florida has been performing procedures up to 22 to 24 weeks in 24 hours or less for over 20 years with minimal to no complications.

There are several Gynecological organizations including the World Health Organization (WHO) that endorse Late Term Abortions utilizing the abortion pill method at 26, 28, 30, 32 weeks or further if the pregnancy is a threat to the mother’s life or health or the fetus has a congenital or fetal abnormality that is incompatible with life.

Common Side Effects of Medical Abortion

Every medical procedure performed has the potential of complications or side effects.

An in-clinic or out-patient abortions whether medical or surgical are associated with a small percentage of side effects. They occur in 1 to 2% of cases and are generally not serious.

They must be addressed promptly by medical personnel to prevent the possibility of a serious complication. Serious side effects occur in 0.5% of cases that may require surgery, hospitalization or a blood transfusion.

After seeing the Abortion Pill Doctor, a discharge instruction sheet is given to all patients that include a 24 hour number to call at anytime.

A list of complications and side effects are listed that indicate when a woman should call the abortion pill clinic in Central Florida where the procedure was performed.

Chart for First Trimester Medical Abortion Common Side Effects:


  • Nausea
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Flatulence
  • Headache
  • Dyspepsia
  • Fever
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Diarrhea


  1. The In-Clinic Abortion:

The other term for an in-clinic abortion is a surgical vacuum aspiration or surgical dilatation & curettage procedure. The procedure can be performed from 3 to 16.5 weeks pregnant.

The procedure is conducted in-clinic and takes approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.

Advanced IV sedation is used to reduce anxiety and discomfort before and during the surgical process.

Prevalent In-Clinic Procedures

  • Suction Abortion:

After the IV sedation is given, a vaginal examination is performed. This is followed by placement of a speculum instrument gently inside of the vagina. A tenaculum is placed on the cervix which helps to stabilize the cervix.

Local anesthesia is slowly injected smoothly into the cervix.

Serial dilating rods are used to slowly open the cervix until the proper size sterile curette can be inserted inside the uterus.

The electric vacuum aspirator is attached to the curette and the uterine contents are removed in a methodical manner. Uterine cramps may be experienced as the uterus contracts to help empty itself and return to its proper size.

Once completed, patients are transferred to the recovery room where vital signs are taken every 15 minutes and the amount of vaginal bleeding is monitored.

Our Women’s Center Second Trimester Abortion Clinics perform the Surgical Abortion Procedure:

After 16.5 weeks, patients must undergo a two day process at the Second Trimester Abortion Clinic in Tampa, Florida.

Second Trimester Cervical Preparation:

Laminaria is the medication used in patients who are further than 16.5 to 17.5 weeks pregnant who are undergoing the surgical abortion procedure. Laminaria is sterile seaweed shaped in the form of a matchstick.

When placed inside the cervix, the Laminaria absorb water like a sponge. They slowly expand 4 to 5 times their original size. This allows softening and opening of the cervix.

After 20 weeks pregnant, a repeat removal and insertion of Laminaria into the cervix may have to be repeated over a 2 or 3 day period of time. This is done in order to achieve adequate dilation for the pregnancy tissue to be safely and gently removed with special surgical abortion instrumental forceps.

Without using Laminaria, there is a higher incidence of complications and side effects related to the Surgical Dilation and Evacuation procedure. This includes the following:

  • Cervical lacerations and tears
  • Uterine perforation
  • Damage to the bowel or bladder
  • Damage to ovaries or Fallopian Tubes
  • Incomplete Abortion
  • Heavy Vaginal Bleeding
  • Pelvic Infection

Same Day (One Day) Second Trimester Abortion Pill Clinic:

Our Tampa Abortion Clinic is able to perform the One Day Abortion Pill procedure in patients from 14.5 to 24 weeks. The process is started and completed within 24 hours or less in 99% of cases. There is less than a 1% chance of side effects or complications. We have performed the same day abortion pill procedure in over 10,000 patients.

The Same Day Second Trimester Abortion Pill and later term abortion method uses the combined use of Mifepristone and Misoprostol or Misoprostol alone.

Mifepristone and Misoprostol For Second Trimester and Later Term Abortion:

Mifepristone binds to the Progesterone receptors on the uterine wall that causes softening and opening of the cervix. There is an increase in intrauterine pressure and mild uterine contractions and increase sensitivity of the uterus to Prostaglandin.

Misoprostol binds to the Prostaglandin receptors on the uterine wall and causes induction of labor with delivery.

Intracardiac Injection or Amnioinfusion – Prevent Delivery of Viable Fetus:

There are medical fetal indications for intracardiac injection and amnioinfusion that include 1) correction of low amniotic fluid volume and 2) reverse cardiac arrhythmia that have caused intrauterine Congestive Heart Failure.

To prevent delivery of a viable fetus, a amnioinfusion or intracardiac injection of medications can be utilized to stop the fetal heartbeat. This does not cause fetal discomfort or pain when performed at the abortion clinic in Tampa.

Mifepristone and Misoprostol for First Trimester Abortion At the Women’s Center Abortion Pill Facility:

The abortion pill method can be performed using the combination of two different methods in the first trimester of pregnancy at the abortion pill clinic Health Center in Tampa, Fl.

  1. Methotrexate and Misoprostol-
    • Methotrexate is an anti-cancer medication that has multiple uses. It is used to treat patients with severe Rheumatoid arthritis and Diseases Related to pregnancy (Choriocarcinoma and Hydatidiform Mole ie. Molar Pregnancy) Methotrexate has been used to treat ectopic pregnancies medically since the late 90’s. Also around that time, Methotrexate started to be used to terminate pregnancies in the first trimester. It works by stopping the growth of gestational tissue that attaches to the wall of the uterus. The specific tissue Methotrexate targets (HCG) is responsible for maintaining growth of the fetus in early pregnancy.
    • Misoprostol (Cytotec)- It is a prostaglandin. When prostaglandins bind to the prostaglandin receptors on the uterus, it causes uterine contractions and the fetus to expel.
  1. Mifepristone (Mifeprex, RU 486, French Pill) and Misoprostol (Cytotec)
    • Mifepristone- It attaches to the progesterone receptors on the Uterine wall and causes the lining of the uterus to peel off and destroys the vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to the pregnancy tissue. The cervix softens and begins to open. There is an increase in intrauterine pressure and also an increase in the production of prostaglandins and an increase in sensitivity of the uterus to prostaglandins.
    • Misoprostol- As discussed previously, the prostaglandin binds to the prostaglandin receptors on the uterine wall leading to the fetal tissue being pushed out of the uterus and passes through the vagina.

The side effects and complications using both medical abortion methods are similar. They include the following:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Sweats
  • Shivering
  • Skin rash
  • Bitter chalky taste and mouth ulcerations
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Lower abdominal and back pain
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Vaginal bleeding

Post Medical Abortion Care and Follow-up At Our Women’s Center Abortion Pill Clinic:

We ask women to follow up within 3 to 4 weeks after the medical abortion procedure to assure the termination procedure is complete and you are not having any medical problems. It is also another opportunity to address long acting birth control in order to avoid another unwanted pregnancy.

Abortion Pill Failure:

The chance of the abortion pill procedure not working is less than 1%. The chance of needing surgery, having to be admitted to the hospital or require a blood transfusion is less than 0.5%.

A ultrasound may be performed to determine if you have a continuous pregnancy or incomplete abortion. In either case, you may elect to take additional Misoprostol tablets or undergo a surgical abortion procedure.

Please contact the Women’s Center Abortion Pill Clinic to discuss the complications and side effects of the medical abortion procedure.

Ovulation may occur as early as 5 to 6 days after completion of the abortion procedure. It is imperative that birth control is discussed with the patient prior to discharge from the office.

In Summary:

The Neo Coronavirus (COVID 19) is a new flu virus that has been declared a Pandemic by the World Health Organization.

We ask women to take the symptoms of lower abdominal discomfort, headache, fever and dry cough very seriously and consider self-quarantine. One should notify medical personnel for further steps to take when and if necessary.

The Women’s Center’s located in Tampa, Orlando and Ft. Lauderdale take pride in not only helping to mitigate (prevent) the spread of a highly contagious virus, but to continue to perform abortion services for women in our communities and across the United States and the World.

We are taking proactive steps in our medical offices to make all patient visits safe, out of harm’s way and shielded and at the same time knowing there is no 100% assurance of not coming in contact of the virus via air droplet, surfaces or the oral-anal route.

It is estimated that 60 to 80% of the world population will eventually be exposed and develop antibodies to COVID 19. Approximately 80% of that population will not experience any symptoms. Approximately 15% of people will experience mild to moderate symptoms and 5% of the world population will need to be hospitalized.

Approximately 1 to 3.5% of the world population will succumb to being exposed to the COVID 19 virus with the majority of deaths being the elderly and those who are immunocompromised.

Please do not hesitate to contact us by email at ot 407-245-7999.

Dr James S Pendergraft Abortion Clinic Orlando,

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