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Free Abortion Clinics Kissimmee Florida | Free Emergency Contraception.

There is a Abortion Pill Clinic in Kissimmee that performs abortions at a reduced rate or at times for Free.

This only applies to the Medical Abortion Pill Procedure. The Abortion Pill Method combines two medications.

The first pill is Mifepristone (RU 486, Mifeprex, Mifegyne, French Pill) and the second pill is Misoprostol (Cytotec).

The Mifepristone tablet is taken in the Abortion Pill Clinic. Misoprostol may be taken at the same time or 6, 12, 24, 36, 47 or up to 72 hours after taking the Mifepristone.

How Does Mifepristone work?

Mifepristone blocks the hormone Progesterone from attaching to the Progesterone receptors on the Uterine (womb) wall.

Progesterone is responsible for maintaining and growth of the pregnancy. When it is low, it causes the lining of the Uterine wall to break down, softens and opens the cervix (opening to the Uterus) and increases the pressure inside the Uterus.

This results in separation of the pregnancy from the wall of the Uterus, Uterine contractions and Vaginal bleeding.

How Does Misoprostol Work?

Misoprostol is a Prostaglandin E1. It is responsible for Uterine contractions and cervical softening and dilation. It causes the pregnancy tissue to pass through the Vagina.

Up To How Many Weeks Can The Abortion Pill Process Be Performed?

The Medical Abortion Procedure can be used to terminate pregnancies in the first trimester (3 to 14 weeks), second trimester (14.1 to 28 weeks) or the third trimester of pregnancy (28.1 weeks or further).

What Are The Complications That May Occur When Using The Abortion Pill?

Side Effects Of Mifepristone:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Lower Abdominal Pain
  • Vaginal Discharge or Bleeding

Side Effects Of Misoprostol:

Most frequent side effects include:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Shivering
  • Chills
  • Mild Fever
  • Rash
  • Itchy Palms
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Lower Abdominal and Back Pain
  • Vaginal Bleeding

Other Side Effects Include:

  • Incomplete Abortion
  • Heavy Vaginal Bleeding (bleeding more than 2 pads for 2 hours in a row
  • Temperature 100.4 or Higher
  • Severe Lower Abdominal Pain
  • Foul Vaginal Discharge
  • Sepsis (bacteria in blood)
  • Maternal Death

What Happens After The Misoprostol Tablet Is Taken?

Approximately 30 minutes to 2 hours, uterine cramps and vaginal bleeding generally begins. Over 50% of Patient’s will pass the tissue in 3 to 4 hours. The abdominal cramps increase in intensity and the bleeding gets heavier just prior to passage of the fetal tissue.

Once the pregnancy tissue passes, the intensity of the cramps and heavier vaginal bleeding subsides.

How Severe Does The Pain Get During The Abortion Pill Procedure?

Over 50% of women do not need any medication during the abortion procedure. Approximately 40% of women only need to take over-the-counter medication (Tylenol, Motrin, Advil) for pain. Approximately 8% of women require a narcotic for pain control.

How Long Does Vaginal Bleeding Last?

The average time of vaginal bleeding is 7 to 10 days. 8% of patients may bleed up to 30 days and 1% bleed for 60 days.

When To Follow-Up After The Abortion Pill Procedure in Kissimmee?

Women are instructed to return to the medical facility in 3 to 4 weeks for a pregnancy test and Sonogram to assure that the process is complete.

Birth control methods will once again be discussed during this visit.

How Safe Is The Abortion Pill Process?

The Abortion procedure is highly safe. Maternal mortality is 11 to 14 times greater when delivering a full term birth compared to having the abortion procedure performed.

History Of Abortion Pill In U.S.

There have been over 3 million Abortion pill procedures performed in the U.S. since FDA approved in the year 2000.

Nearly 50% of abortions less than 8 weeks in the US are now performed using the abortion pill process.

The Abortion Pill Procedure is highly efficient and safe with a successful abortion rate of over 98% for pregnancies 8 weeks or less.

Where Can The Abortion Pill Be Found?

In the U.S., the Abortion pill can be obtained in 3 ways:

  1. Physician Offices that have experience with terminating pregnancies
  2. Many Abortion Clinics
  3. A very small percentage of Hospitals (<5%).

The abortion pill cannot be purchased over the counter or at any Pharmacy (ie. Walgreens, CVS or Walmart).

What Is The Emergency Contraceptive (Morning After) Pill?

Using Emergency Contraception properly would reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancies by millions around the world.

Emergency Contraception in the US and many parts of the world consists of taking a 1.5 mg tablet of Levonorgestrel. It is a high dose of the hormone Progesterone.

It should not be the primary method of birth control because there is a lower chance of becoming pregnant when using birth control pills or other long acting forms of birth control (IUD, Depo-Provera Injections, Progesterone Implants).

How Does Emergency Contraception Work?

Emergency Contraception works by:

  1. Delaying or preventing ovulation (egg being released from the ovary(
  2. Causes the Cervix (opening at the bottom of the Uterus) to secrete a thick mucus (fluid) that blocks sperm from entering the Uterine cavity. This prevents sperm from being able to swim pass the vagina
  3. Thins the lining of the Uterine walls. This prevents and makes it difficult for passage if sperm to near the ovaries for implantation of the sperm into the egg for fertilization to take place.

There is a crucial time for egg fertilization to occur. If it does not occur within a few hours of the egg maturing and being released from the ovary, then fertilization cannot occur.

The prevention or delay in ovulation that occurs after taking the Morning After Pill is believed to be the primary way of preventing pregnancy.

Does The Morning After Pill Cause An Abortion?

Emergency Contraception is not the Abortion Pill. It prevents a woman from becoming pregnant. It does not cause an abortion.

A pregnancy does not occur until the fertilized egg has implanted (embedded) into the Uterine Wall. There is no mechanism where the Morning After Pill separates the pregnancy from the Uterine wall.

When Is The Best Time To Take The Emergency Contraceptive Pill To Prevent Pregnancy?

The best chance to prevent pregnancy in to take the Levonorgestrel tablet immediately after the unprotected event.

Women who are childbearing age and sexually active should always have access to Emergency Contraception for this reason.

It is recommended to carry the Morning After Pill in one’s purse or pocketbook or place it in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom.

Medical studies suggest that the Morning After Pill will prevent a pregnancy if taken on the 5th day after the unprotected event. For each hour that passes after the event, there is a higher chance of failure.

What Are The Contraindications To Taking The Emergency Contraception?

There are no contraindications to using the Morning After Pill. It does not harm the fetus if taken by accident when pregnant.

What Are The Side Effects Of Levonorgestrel?

There are no long term side effects with using the Morning After Pill such as a higher chance of infertility or cancer.

Common side effects are the following but generally subside within 24 hours:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Breast tenderness
  • Mild lower abdominal discomfort
  • Early or delayed onset of menses
  • The first menses may be light or spotty

Due to the possibility of being pregnant prior to taking the morning after pill, ovulation has already occurred, or the small percent of failures that happen after using Emergency Contraception, a pregnancy test should be performed 10 days from the time Levonorgestrel was taken.

Where Can Emergency Contraception Be Found?

The morning after pill can be found in the over the counter feminine section at most local Pharmacies (Walmart, Walgreens and CVS, etc).

There is generally no age limit on who can purchase them. The cost of the Emergency Contraceptive pill ranges from $40 to $65.

It may be free if your physician writes a prescription and it is covered by your medical insurance.

Are There Places That Give Away Free Emergency Contraception?

Yes. Our offices give Free Emergency Contraception to women who undergo abortions at our Abortion Clinics.

What Steps Should Be Done Prior To Taking Emergency Contraception?

Prior to taking the Morning After Pill, A pregnancy test should be done. If positive, the Morning Pill After Pill will not end the pregnancy.

If pregnancy test is positive and you wish to have an abortion, it may be performed surgically or by the abortion pill process using the combined tablets of Mifepristone and Misoprostol as discussed above.

In Summary:

Our Abortion Clinic in Kissimmee at times performs the Medical Abortion Procedure at a reduced cost or for free.

We give the Emergency Contraception Pill away free to all women who undergo abortions at our Family Planning facilities.

Emergency Contraception reduces the incidence of unwanted pregnancies up to 96% if taken immediately after the unprotected sexual event.

Pregnancy prevention reduces the incidence of maternal morbidity and mortality in the United States and around the world. Pregnancy and its related complications is responsible for the death of thousands of women.

Our Abortion Clinic In Kissimmee’s goal and mission is to place Emergency Contraception into every woman’s hand of reproductive age to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

The only way to achieve this is for women to have the Morning After Pill in their purse or medicine cabinet at all times.

Dr James S Pendergraft | Orlando Women’s Center | Abortion Clinic Orlando

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